Search External Libraries Catalogs
Search over 30 million records from 1,300 Canadian libraries including Library and Archives Canada.
Copac exposes rare and unique research material by bringing together the catalogues of c.90 major UK and Irish libraries (and growing). In a single search you can discover the holdings of the UK’s national libraries (including the British Library), many University libraries, and specialist research libraries.
Cyprus Bibliography
Cypriot Publications from 1980 to today.
Cyprus Libraries Union Catalog
Search in the 2nd edition of the Cyprus Libraries Union Catalog. It contains 624.936 bibliographic records of 41 bibliographic databases.
Hellenic Academic Libraries Union Catalog
HALUC provides access to the union catalogs of 59 libraries.
Internet Culturale
Internet Culturale provides access to the catalogs and digital collections of Italian libraries. Search over 11 million bibliographic records of the National Library Service, over 260,000 records of manuscripts and 8 million digital files.
Library of Congress
Library of Congress collections contain over 162 million books, periodicals, manuscripts, maps, music, recordings, images, and electronic resources. The LC Catalog contains 17 million records describing these collections.
Melinda is the union catalog of Finnish Libraries.
Rebiun allows you to search the collections of Spanish research and academic libraries. REBIUN library consists of 75 member universities CRUE (50 public and 25 private university level) and the CSIC (Higher Council for Scientific Research). The catalog also includes bibliographic records of the National Library of Spain, National Library of Catalonia and MICIN Libraries among other associated libraries. With a quarterly update, it is possible to consult more than 16 million bibliographic records with their corresponding locations.
Système Universitaire de Documentation
Sudoc catalogue is a French collective catalogue created by Higher Educational and Research libraries and resource centers. There are nearly 10 million bibliographic records in this catalogue describing all kinds of document (books, dissertations, reviews, electronic resources, audio-visual documents, microfiches, maps, scores, manuscripts and very old books.)Sudoc also catalogues the series collections of periodicals held by around 2000 non-Higher Educational library institutions (such as Town Libraries, other resource centers, etc.) Lastly, Sudoc’s mission is to list all dissertations/theses produced in France.
The Argo
The “Argo” is an environment facilitating the open access to bibliographical information resources which are available in Greece as well as abroad, with simple, medium and advanced search.
The European Library
The European Library is a portal which offers access to the combined resources (books, magazines, journals both digital and non-digital) of the 48 national libraries of Europe and leading European Research Libraries.
Union Catalog of Government Libraries
Here you can search more than 80,000 book titles that belong to our various government libraries. The Union Catalog of Government Libraries was created with the aim of collaboration between the libraries and in order to help, develop and evolve their services they offer to tthe public through common polcies and actions
WorldCat is the world’s largest network of library content and services. WorldCat libraries are dedicated to providing access to their resources on the Web, where most people start their search for information. Acces to the catalogs of over 10,000 libraries.