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Our digital resources (E-Books, E-Journals, Electronic Databases and Packages) are always 24/7 accessible through OpenAthens. Guides available here.
For questions and assistance: library@euc.ac.cy.
New Database for 2025: De Gruyter
Check out the Library News and Events page for details.
Spring 2025 Series of Webinars offered by the Library for EUC Students, Faculty and Administration staff.
Check out the Library News and Events page for details and registration forms.
Databases Available
EUC Library Catalog
The catalog allows you to search all the print titles and other material available at our library.
OpenAthens is an Identity and Access Management System that is used to authenticate eligible students and faculty to the electronic resources delivered by the library of EUC.
Plemochoe Repository
Plemochoe is an open access institutional repository established for the sole purpose of gathering preserving and distributing original research material produced by the EUC faculty and researchers.
EUC E-Journals and Databases
The Library provides access to 130+ full-text and bibliographic databases through its subscriptions as a participant and a founding member of the Cyprus Academic Libraries Consortium and on an individual basis.
EUC E-Books
The library subscribes to several packages of e-books. Visit the links for full-text access.
Open Access Resources
There are many sites that offer open access to quality e-journals, e-books, historical documents and primary material, poetry, images and more. We collected some of the best ones on the internet.
Search External Libraries Catalogs
A catalog is the record of the holdings of an individual library. Search catalogs of libraries around the world.
Library News and Events
Keep up to date with information on new resources and upcoming library events.
Reference Sources & Research Tools
Tools for managing bibliographic references (Mendeley and Refworks), including Citation Guides and Style Manuals.
Library Services & Policies
Library rules, working hours, loan periods, external users, and general information on services provided by the library.
Library Guides
A list of guides to assist users learn about and make better use of the Library, the electronic databases and services such as Mendeley, OpenAthens, Turnitin, and more.
About Us
European University Cyprus is actively engaged with local, regional and global partners to promote opportunities for long-term strategic research partnerships and innovative programs of study.